i'm so lucky i was sent to cebu for counter selling training.
our facilitators were very effective and i learned a lot. i never knew that before you become a good sales person, you have to be comfortable with yourself, you have to be aware of your strengths and weaknesses; not just as a sales person but as an individual, and if you have doubts in your abilities, clients can smell those doubts and that will affect your effectivity/productivity as a sales person.
what's good about the training was it's not only about selling. it was also about self awareness and personality development.
because of the training i was able to think about what i like and i don't like about myself. through the video exercises, i was able to see how i look when i walk and talk and interact with other people. i'll be able to improve my unlikeable habits when speaking, minimize my hand gestures if necessary, change my tone of voice, etc.
the activity was also a self- esteem booster. after the activities, we were given feedback by the facilitator. and so far, the feedbacks they gave me were good and although i did not win in the individual selling activity, our team even won a prize for the group selling activity. happy happy!
now i'm back to work. i'm very proud of myself and i feel empowered.